martedì 27 novembre 2012

Luis Sepúlveda

Luis Sepúlveda is the kind of guy that you want to become friend for spending nights drinking wine and hearing good stories.

A polyhedric character who I had the opportunity to meet in Milan during the presentation of his last book. Luis brings with him the allure of someone who has lived so many lives.
The meeting was a unique opportunity to learn about his young years in Chile, the early experiences which determined his writing, Allende, Pinochet, the imprisonment and the years in exile. In addition, he expressed an enlightened point of view about the so called latin american literature and even an amazing story next to Cortazar in a public toilet in Paris.

But above all, his speech was a gospel of friendship.

Friendship is the main thread of "El gato y el ratón que se volvió su amigo", the long waited came back from Sepúlveda to the kid's universe.  And in the 16 years from the amazing success of ¨La gaviota...¨ the book has been often proposed in the italian schools, it became an animated film and you hardly find someone from teen to their 20's in Italy who did not read it. 

I have just finished an article about his visit in Milan which is linked to this portrait session
He inspires writing indeed.

martedì 6 novembre 2012

The Artwork of SKYFALL

The gun aligned with the gun logo is such a detail to highlight.

I am a Bond fan, I confess. And like many other followers of the cold-blooded secret agent I was enthusiastic about the new arrive at the end of October. Speaking sincerely,  I expected much more than I've found. Casino Royale still remains the best for me.  However, what I most enjoyed this time was the artwork that the franchise applied to emphasize some concepts along the plot.

Earlier this week I tweet about the promo banner: I think that the real gun perfectly aligned with the gun logo is superb. In addition, the rising dust stressing the idea of fall is good too.

Much more alternative but always curiously effective are the minimal concept posters like the smoking gun from an uncommon prospective and the reflected Big-Ben: If you pay attention, the handle of the gun has fresh fingerprints as it has just been used.


Talking about the photography of the movie itself, It should be said that is awesome. This is due to Roger Antony Deakins, a former photographer who probably has inspired your cinematography taste during the years. Did you enjoy the atmospheres in Barton Fink and The Big Lebowsky? Well... That's your guy. So, although the screenplay could be better, the Shanghai and Macau scenes are spectacular enough to worth seeing them on The Big Screen.

The Macau party.

Last but not least: The Adele Intro.
Choosing a Cyan & Black design adds a vintage flavor that take you back to the 60's. A smart movement to reinforce the celebration of the past. 

I am sure that the film is going to face split opinions. But one thing is for sure: Nobody can deny that they have done a wonderful job pumping up the concepts they wanted to transmit even before the public went to the movie theaters.
